Tech Trend Show of 2018 proves to be successful

On December 3, 2018 Software Innovation Pole Cluster successfully held its Tech Trend Show event for the 2nd time. In 10 sections, almost 30 presentations related to technological issues were offered to the audience. Those interested could get information related to technological novelties, but local ICT developmentswere also highlighted. The event was also shown on the city's television channel

Presentations of the conference can be downloaded at the following links:
Karajánnisz Manolisz: „NATCONSUMERS - smart, measurement-based energy saving programme”
Nagy Sándor: „Results of the "Cashless Szeged" program, City Identity approach”
Szarka Attila: „Database anyalítical tools, and business development in the Middle East”
Dönczi Richárd: „Augmented and virtual reality, as efficitent marketing tools of the future”
Ferenczi Lehel: „Digital Healthcare – GE Healthcare Hungary”
Herczeg Ferenc: „Wold data, world wisdom”
Pataki Ágnes és Kiss Alexa: “How to find and keep employees - current challenges of recruitment at IT Services Hungary”
Puskás Bertalan: Let’s travel electronically!
Kancsár Attila: „„Nonstop payment solutions developed by RITEK Zrt.””
Nagy Szilárd és Dr. Gyenizse Pál: „„Urban mobility, in a SMART approach - a ground-breaking cooperation”
Ferenc Rudolf: „Software 2.0"
Bilicki Vilmos: "Traditional and novel solutions in telemedicine"
Szabó Zoltán: „Digitalisation in Supply Chain Management”
