address: 1094 Budapest, Viola u. 43. 5. em. 5.
phone: +36 1 225 0162
Market-leading company in the field of development of banking services and applications in Hungary, fully in Hungarian ownership.
address: 6722 Szeged, Kálvária sugárút 24.
phone: +36 20 484 5545
Development and operation of M2M systmens, mainly in the field of agroinformatics and security technology. Also, development and operation of healthcare-realted software, combined with consultancy support.
address: 6726 Szeged, Bal fasor 4. II/6.
Main fields of activities are software development, software operations, support, system development, management of construction works of buildings.
address: 6724 Szeged, Eszperantó u. 3.
phone: +36 62 649 360
Main fields of activities are development and marketing of software products in the SME markets, multi-platform products: SMART design, CRM solutions.
address: 1145 Budapest, Erzsébet királyné útja 29/B
phone: +36 1 422 3030
Main fields of activities are operations development, process desig and project management to meet strategic objectives. Implementation of technology-driven business solutions to support the improvement of business skills. IT system development.
address: 5650 Mezőberény, Gyomai u. 97.
phone: +36 66 352 422
Main fields of activities: manufacturing of metal structures (steel grades S235J0, S355J2G3), manufacturing metal structures made of fine-grained steel for CNC turning lathes.
address: 4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
phone: +36 52 512 985
Main fields of activities are education (BA, MA and PhD levels), research and development.
address: 6723 Szeged, Felső Tisza-part 30.
phone: +36 62 422 634
Main fields of activites are artificial intelligence-based solutions for optimisation of logistics, forecasting, business solutions, data-mining and support for business decision-making.
address: 6722 Szeged, Zászló u. 3. I. em. 5.
phone: +36 62 319 372
Main fields of activitites are Development of QuallityGate, a comprehensive software quality assurance and source code analyis solution; complete system testing; planning, execution and turnkey handover of applications, international QA training.
address: 1041 Budapest, Görgey Artúr u. 69-71.
phone: +36 62 549 100
Main fields of activities are development of the integrated operations management system Forrás, 3D Tire Scanner, production and process management systems for transport companies and in agriculture, bus scheduling software for transport comanies, mobile businesss intelligence applicatioin to Forrás software, training centre related to Forrás software.
address: 6722 Szeged, Kálvária sugárút 24.
Main fields of activities are development and testing of telemedicine systems, implementation of clinical trials, deployment of sensor networks. Developemnt of C#-based desktop applications, .NET-based web applications (MVC, WEB.API), applications for Windows Phone, and Windows 8.1 applications.
address: 6750 Algyő, Ipartelep 4.
pnone: +36 62 493 626
Main fields of activitites: offset printing, digital printing, graphic design, promotion campaigns. Products of the company: promotion publications, books, periodicals, product packaging, office stationery, variable-information related products.
address: 6400 Kiskunhalas, Bem u. 9. I/2.
Mainf fields of activities: Software development, software design, IT system design and IT infrastructure deployment, operational support, projectmanagement, change management, process management.
address: 1134 Budapest, Lőportár utca 20/B
phone: +36 1 789 0626
Main fields of activities are business consultancy and development of integrated front-end and backend applications and software solutions for the banking industry, covering the entire lending lifecycle and risk management activities of the financial services institutions (banks and leasing companies).
address: 6726 Szeged, Jobb fasor 6-10.
phone: +36 20 992 6467
Main fields of activitites are developer of the complex IT system called Qulto, in the field of cultural heritage and knowledge management. Product and customer support, hotline service, custormer-relations, training related to Qulto. System design and development, system integration and monitoring, content development and delivery, e-learning content development, digitisation (2D, 3D), 3D modelling, printing, data migration, social media integration, exhibition design, workflow design.
address: 1138 Budapest, Révész utca 27.
phone: +36 1 791 0420
Main fields of activities are development of software solutions for retail and business entities (Online Music/App Stores, InFLOW; Revo•ED, FoundryBox Live, Nearshoring Solutions, FieldBack, SOFIA Enterprise Application Platform). Participating in several successful research and development projects, for exapmle LeOnEditor, Promocio, Visitor. Solutions for digital asset management, support of field-work and on-site data collection, software erosion protection.
address: 1134 Budapest, Róbert Károly krt. 70-74.
phone: +36 70 372 1414
Main fields of activities are development and integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems for the public transportation sector as a full service provider. Hardware integration from third party manufacturers, development of passenger information systems for urban and long-distance transport; development of fleet management system; development of intelligent vehicle monitoring and control systems; AVL software development, onboard integration of devices (e.g: passenger counter, ticket machine terminals, passanger information devices, contactless smart card).
address: 6726 Szeged, Temesvári krt. 15.
phone: +36 62 558 899
Main fields of activities are online marketing strategy, Google Adwords campaigns, search engine optimisation, website audit, creative media service, application development, online helpdesk, intranet solutions, B2B solutions, webshops, CMS systems, e-learning, HR solutions, career portal.
P92 IT Solutions Kft.
address: 1038 Budapest, Fürdő utca 2.
phone: +36 1 453 4100
Main fields of activities are development of business applications, product development; mobile application development for iOS, Windows and Android platforms; business intelligence solutions, nearshore software development.
address: 7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4.
phone: +36 72 501 500
Main fields of activitites are education (BA, MA and PhD levels, dual education), training courses, research and development, research services, provision of laboratory and instrumental capacities for research activity.
address: 1126 Budapest, Beck Ö. Fülöp u. 10.
phone: +36 1 382 7800
Main fields of activities are software development; design and development of multilayer data-intensive systems; application, cutomisation and testing of Rational products and related Rational Unified Process methodology. IBM Advanced Business Partner since 2005, official IBM trainer. Development of the BürOffice program package, which is a dokument and work-flow management system, in addtion to Business Navigator Operative CRM system designed for financial and public utility companies.
address: 1038 Budapest, Ráby Mátyás utca 7.
phone: +36 1 436 7850
As one of Hungary's largest enterprise business application developer companies, R&R delivers integrated, comprehensive and customized ERP solutions, loaded with industry-specific functions and abilities; Business Support Systems with customer relationship, product and service management, mass billing, and revenue assurance functions to public utility, infocommunication and financial service provider companies, and public city works company groups or holdings; CRM with integration interfaces; Business Analytics solutions that help organizations and businesses of all sizes discover new ways to strategize, plan, optimize business operations, and capture new market opportunities; and solutions related to Enterprise Mobility Management, Electronic Document Management, Supply Chain Management and Integrartion, Infrastructure Integration Services, Energy Management, Green-field application development, Outsourcing and nearshoring.
address: 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 13.
phone: 62/544-139
Main fields of activitites are education (BA, MA and PhD levels, dual education), training courses, research and development, research services.
address: 6724 Szeged, Kossuth Lajos sgt. 72/B
phone: +36 62 202 039
Main fields of activities are development of framework systems supporting digital education, digital content development. Development of mobile applications (iOS, Android, Windows), augmented reality mobile applications, web-based services and administrative systems, games, animation and educational videos.
address: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.
phone: +36 76 501 500
Fields of Activities: Through a personal referral system, the Chamber supports the day-to-day business with continuous, direct contact. It provides general representation of business actors, enterprises and the different sectors of the chamber. Providies a wide range of services for its members and non-members.
address: 6726 Szeged, Fő fasor 52.
phone: +36 62 425 562
Fields of Activities: Development of CORRECT - a complex, networked, integrated, day-to-day business administration and work-flow management system; personalised webshop and website development; maintenance service; hardware and software retail and wholesale trade.
address: 1031 Budapest, Kazal u. 22.
phone: +36 62 546 724
Fields of Activities: Mainly provides IT services and application software development in banking, insurance, and finance. Services also offered: IT project management, IT systems design, Analysis of business and IT processes.