Porta Novum Nonprofit Ltd. has developed an Agile methodological curriculum within the HUSRB / 1602/41/0190 project CHECK-IT, which can be accessed through the following links:
Agilis módszertan I. Agilis módszertan II. 
2019-11-27 00:00:00
<#cim_start>DJP Export<#cim_end>
"Digitális Exportfejlesztési Központ célja, hogy hozzájáruljon a magyarországi IKT ágazat ökoszisztémájának fejlődéséhez, és elősegítse sikeres külpiaci szereplésüket. Mindezt tesszük egy tapasztalt és fiatalos csapattal, hogy a lehető legtöbb hazai és nemzetközi szereplőt tudjuk megszólítani majd cégeink elé tárni. Központunk kapta azt a megtisztelő feladatot, hogy összefogja a magyarországi magas hozzáadott értékű digitális termékeket és szolgáltatások gyűjteményét - legyen szó startupról, vagy KKV-ról - majd komplex szolgáltatás portfóliójával mentorprogramon keresztül segítse annak szereplőit külpiaci tevékenységeik közben. Munkánk kapcsán hangsúlyt kap a személyes kapcsolattartás, hiszen számunkra is fontos, hogy napról- napra edukáljuk magunkat. Ahhoz, hogy hatékony résztvevői lehessünk az innovatív digitális megoldások exportfejlesztésének az agrotechtől az edtechen át a medtechig, rendszeresen kérjük piaci cégeink segítségét, ugyanis csak így lehetünk hitelesek. A program során térítésmentesen, a tudás- és feladatmegosztás elvei alapján keressük meg a megfelelő partnereket, forrásokat mentoráltjaink számára. Néhány a szolgáltatásaink közül:
- segítség a Digitális Jólét Program Hitel-, illetve Tőkeprogramjába való bekerüléshez
- befektetői tárgyalások leszervezése
- külföldi delegációk fogadása és üzleti fórumok megrendezése
- szakmai események szűrése
- külföldi partnerek detektálása
Amennyiben szeretne többet megtudni rólunk, vagy bekerülni a Hazai Digitális Megoldások Leltárába kérem, keresse fel standunkat, vagy írjon nekünk e-mailt a keyaccounts@djnkft.hu e-mail címre."
Kövessen minket
<#cim_start>Lufthansa Systems Hungária Kft.<#cim_end>
A Lufthansa Systems Hungária Kft. 1995-ben alakult a Lufthansa-vállalatcsoporthoz tartozó Lufthansa Systems első nemzetközi leányvállalataként, és Budapest után hamarosan megnyitja új irodáját Szeged belvárosában. A légiközlekedési informatika egyik piacvezető vállalataként a Lufthansa Systems egyedülálló megoldásokat kínál a légiközlekedés szinte minden területére az útvonaltervezéstől a személyzet beosztásán át a fedélzeti szórakozásig. A cég jelenleg mintegy 450 informatikai szakembert foglalkoztat Budapesten, akik több mint 300 légitársaság számára fejlesztenek, tesztelnek és üzemeltetnek olyan informatikai alkalmazásokat, amelyek biztonságos és hatékony repülőgép-üzemeltetést tesznek lehetővé. Ezen szoftverek közé tartoznak a légi és földi személyzet, valamint a légiforgalmi irányítók által használt alkalmazások, valamint a repülőjegy-értékesítés teljes folyamatát végigkísérő digitális megoldások. Szegedi működését 10-15 fővel fogja elindítani, és a tervek szerint évente 15-20 fővel bővül az iroda létszáma, hogy megmaradjon a budapesti központra is jellemző családias környezet. A Lufthansa Systems Hungária jelenleg Java- és frontend-fejlesztők, valamint data engineerek jelentkezését várja nyitott pozícióira, aktuális állásajánlatai a
a cég erre szentelt weboldalán találhatók meg.
Sagemcom is a worldwide high technology group with its headquarters in France. Thanks to its proven capacity for innovation, the group is in a leadership position in many markets. Sagemcom aims to become a world leader in broadband terminals, convergence and energy solutions. Sagemcom is a private independent group held by the Carlyle Group, as well as employees. Turnover: € 2,09 billion, Workforce: over 4000 employees worldwide. Leadership position:
- Broadband Access (routers, gateways): No1 in Europe
- Digital IPTV and TNT set-top boxes: No1 in Europe
- Electricity Smart Meters: No1 in EMEA
- Gas Smart Meters: No2 in EMEA
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<#cim_start>Neumann János Számítógép-tudományi Társaság<#cim_end>
A Neumann János Számítógép-tudományi Társaság intézményektől független szakmai fórumként segíti hazánkban, illetve a magyar nyelvterületeken az informatika alkalmazását, fejlesztését, az eredmények elterjesztését; a szakma presztízsének, színvonalának és etikájának megőrzését, illetve emelését. A tevékenységével segíti az informatikával hivatásszerűen foglalkozók, illetve az informatikai eszközöket és módszereket más szakterületen alkalmazók véleményének és szakmai érdekeinek érvényre jutását, támogatja a széles körű részvételt a nemzetközi szakmai közéletben. Fontos feladatának tekinti az informatikai szakemberek tájékoztatását és tapasztalatcseréjét, az informatikai kultúra terjesztését, az informatikai oktatás támogatását.
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<#cim_start>Szegedi Közlekedési Társaság<#cim_end>
A Szegedi Közlekedési Társaság az elektromos közösségi közlekedés helyi szolgáltatójaként számos technológiai fejlesztés kezdeményezője, partnere. Legyen az a különböző területen használható modern automaták fejlesztése, üzemeltetése vagy a forgalomtervezéshez szükséges utas – és járműforgalmi mérések újszerű megoldásai vagy akár az elektromos járművek akkumulátorainak minél nagyobb hatótávolságon történő üzemelési lehetőségeinek vizsgálata. A felhasználók, utasok részéről érkező folyamatosan igények ösztökélik a Társaságot a modern, fenntartható, készpénzmentes fizetési megoldások fejlesztésére, alkalmazására, csak úgy, mint a minél pontosabb és gyorsabb utastájékoztatási rendszerek használatára. A gyorsuló technológiai fejlődés mellett fontos szempont a költségek optimalizálása mind a fejlesztés mind pedig az üzemeltetés során a fenntartható, klímatudatos környezet kialakítása mellett.
Kövessen minket
<#cim_start>Csiha Elektronikai és Szoftverfejlesztő Kft.<#cim_end>
A CSIHA Kft. az elektronikai és szoftverfejlesztő szegmens meghatározó és dinamikusan növekvő cége a régióban. Profilunk: egyedi mérnöki megoldásokkal ötvözött, tervezési és kivitelezési feladatok megvalósítása, melyhez folyamatosan bővülő csapatunkba keresünk eltökélt kollégákat. Speciális szakértelmünk és termékfejlesztési tapasztalatunk lehetővé teszi, hogy a szoftveres és hardveres kihívásokra egyaránt tudjunk kimagasló színvonalon reagálni. Mi garantáljuk szakmai fejlődésed, hisz nálunk nem repetitív feladatokkal kell megbirkózni, hanem egyedi és komplex problémákat kell együtt megoldanunk. Megrendelőink specifikus termék- és rendszerigényeiből adódóan a projektek rendkívül változatosak, és számos kihívást tartogatnak. Ha olyan személynek érzed magad, aki szereti az izgalmas és kreatív feladatokat, akkor nálunk a helyed! Légy részese te is folyamatosan fejlődő vállalkozásunknak, és küldd el
nekünk önéletrajzodat még ma!
<#cim_start>Envision Pharma Group<#cim_end>
Envision your future with us!
Envision Pharma Group, a global, innovative technology and scientific communications company serving the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries is hiring in Szeged. Office opening November 2019.
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2019-11-25 00:00:00
IT Cluster Subotica is organising a conference for presentation of start up businesses that will be supported by IT Cluster Subotica and the CHECK-IT project. The conference will present businesses and entrereneurs that were selected in CHECK-IT project and their businesses. The businesses will go through incubation process during the project implementation where they will get help with mentoring, financial and legal assistance.
Date of the event: November 8, 2019, 14:00, Location: "Digital Hive" (24000 Subotica, Somborski put 33/A).
Participation at the event is free of charge, but preliminary registration is necessary. Please send your confirmation of participation by November 4, 2019 to the following e-mail:
Official language of the event is Serbian.
Contact person: Oliver Guganovic, co-ordinator (oliver@itcsubotica.org.rs; +381 64 482 780)

2019-10-28 00:00:00
On March 22nd 2019 VOICT hosted the meetup with Novi Sad IT Community. More than 30 participants from more than 20 ICT companies (mostly experts from ICT field), had the opportunity to learn more about ongoing VOICT activities, including its role in CHECK-IT project. Participants were invited to join and register at the project's developed platform.
2019-03-25 00:00:00
On February 22, 2019, the Cluster Manager Club event was held for the sixth time. This time professionals met in Miskolc, where the Software Innovation Pole Cluster was also represented. At the event, the accredited clusters exchanged experiences and presented their best practices, thus contributing to the development of the domestic network economy. Detailed
summary of the event is available here.
Also, Miskolc Tv broadcasted a
report on the event.
2019-02-22 00:00:00
On December 3, 2018 Software Innovation Pole Cluster successfully held its Tech Trend Show event for the 2nd time. In 10 sections, almost 30 presentations related to technological issues were offered to the audience. Those interested could get information related to technological novelties, but
local ICT developmentswere also highlighted. The event was also shown on the
city's television channel
Presentations of the conference can be downloaded at the following links:
Karajánnisz Manolisz: „NATCONSUMERS - smart, measurement-based energy saving programme”
Nagy Sándor: „Results of the "Cashless Szeged" program, City Identity approach”
Szarka Attila: „Database anyalítical tools, and business development in the Middle East”
Dönczi Richárd: „Augmented and virtual reality, as efficitent marketing tools of the future”
Ferenczi Lehel: „Digital Healthcare – GE Healthcare Hungary”
Herczeg Ferenc: „Wold data, world wisdom”
Pataki Ágnes és Kiss Alexa: “How to find and keep employees - current challenges of recruitment at IT Services Hungary”
Puskás Bertalan: Let’s travel electronically!
Kancsár Attila: „„Nonstop payment solutions developed by RITEK Zrt.””
Nagy Szilárd és Dr. Gyenizse Pál: „„Urban mobility, in a SMART approach - a ground-breaking cooperation”
Ferenc Rudolf: „Software 2.0"
Bilicki Vilmos: "Traditional and novel solutions in telemedicine"
Szabó Zoltán: „Digitalisation in Supply Chain Management”2018-12-04 00:00:00
As the management organisation of the Software Innovation Pole Cluster, the Porta Novum Nonprofit Kft., in cooperation with Vojvodina IT Cluster and Subotica IT Cluster has launched its project titled „Enhancing competitiveness, the business environment of small and medium-sized enterprises trade and investment (project ID: HUSRB/1602/41/0190, acronym: CHECK-IT). The project is financed by the European Union, and was granted an amount of 394.719,07 EUR co-financing.
Within the framework of the project, supporting activities to strengthen the of Checkpoint-IT Community will be implemented. One of these is organisation of the meetup titled „Investment Corner”. The major aim of the event is to share information on success stories and investment opportunities among participants arriving from the cross-border region. The event takes place in Szeged, Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra, Kamara terem (6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 23.), on December 3, 2018, 11:30 – 13:00.
Presenters of the meetup are experts from recognised organisations.
Presenters are:
• Jánosi Dóra, Hiventures
• Mátyus Enikő, Acceletor Interreg Danube
• Plavetz Péter, Invest in Szeged
• Koza Andor, Subotica ICT Cluster
• Mladen Radisic, Vojvodina ICT Cluster
• Dr. Gyenizse Pál, Software Innovation Pole Cluster
Registration is open until November 29, 2018 at the following e-mail address: konya.monika@portanovum.hu.
Official language of the event is Hungarian, but English language simultaneous is provided.
2018-11-23 00:00:00
Online registration for our Tech Trend Show 2018 Szeged to be held on December 3, 2018 is now open. Participation in the event is free of charge, but preliminary registration is requested. Deadline for registration: November 29, 2018. Experts' presentations and the exhibition begin at 9:30 a.m.
Detailed programme of the event is available
2018-11-20 00:00:00
November 20-22, 2018 the Hungarian Ministry of Finance and Romanian Cluster Alliance organise an international conference in Oradea (RO), and Debrecen (HU), where Software Innovation Pole Cluster will also be participating. Detailed information and programme related to the event is available through the
event's website.
2018-11-19 00:00:00
Porta Novum Nonprofit Ltd. is announcing an invitation to tender related to the projekt HUSRB/1602/41/0190.
Title: Development of IT competence database model and Platform with IT solution approach
Reference: HUSRB/1602/41/0190/SER3/DatabasePlatform
Contract Notice is available at the link.
2018-11-08 00:00:00
Software Innovation Pole Cluster organised its first prominent event on 16 October, 2018, related to
Gamification. The Cluster has brought the most experienced experts of the topic to the event. The conference featured "game-making" techniques for participating companies that can be used to improve their performance indicators. The techniques presented could serve as an inspirational for business entities and offer a wealth of new ideas in all areas of life and business. Also, the event was a platform to get acquainted with companies who have already recognized the benefits of gamification in product development and sales.
Gamification is a new corporate approach to inspire employees, which adds value to the company's business success. Did you know that based on some research:
- 30% of the employees change jobs within 1 year
- 60% of them change jobs again in the first 6 weeks of their employment
- their choices are determined by 70% of professional developmental prospects?
(Source: Games for Business)
Losing an employee in the first year may cost the company three times the cost of the person’s wage. This will lead organizations to rediscover themselves and their learning processes, which will help maintain success and identify future business needs. Gamification is a way of identifying the expectations of new employees, by which the individual can follow his own development, finding inspiration and motivation to his daily work professional advance.
What we could offer to participants was that professionally recognized gamification experts demonstrate gamification techniques that can be used to acquire the basics of gamification already during the conference. This way, business executives can already take advantage of their new knowledge in product development and sales the next day. At the conference, a key purpose was to reach a broad spectrum of the labor market in the context of today's inevitable company culture development. This kind of networking provides a forum for marketing and HR professionals, small and medium sized businesses, startup companies, companies focusing on gamification and process design, college and high school students, educators and presenters. The interest in the event grew to be enormous, in just over 2 weeks more than 100 participants registered and the number of companies and other organizations participating exceeded 50. With this order of magnitude, the event also provided an efficient space for building new business relationships and sharing experiences.
Presentations of the conference can be downloaded at the following links:
Filák Péter, business development director, Games for Business
Damsa Andrei, expert, NetCoGame
Sárosi Róbert, CEO, Founder, Duelbox - Event Gamification
Martonosi János, chief communication officer, Csongrád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Heves Gábor, Regional Environmental Center and
Kormányos József, GriffSoft Zrt.
Jánosi Dóra, investment manager, Hiventures
Susányi István, cluster expert, Software Innovation Pole Cluster
2018-11-06 00:00:00

The Software Innovation Pole Cluster is proud to announce that given the success of last year's event, the TECH TREND SHOW SZEGED is reorganised in 2018 too. On this occasion, a warm and special
welcome is extended to all interested parties. Nearly 200 visitors last year inspired the organizers to turn the
TECH TREND SHOW 2018 SZEGED event into the leading forum for mapping of new trends and their societal impact in Mobility, Electronic Payment Solutions, VR / AR / Gaming, Digital Health Care, CRM / Loyalty, E-Commerce, Online logistics and Gamification. The event will take place at Szent-Györgyi Albert Agora (6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 23.) on December 3, 2018. Potential presenters and exhibitors are welcome to send their
registration to Mónika Gortva-Kónya cluster manager (konya.monika@portanovum.hu), no later than November 13, 2018.
2018-11-05 00:00:00
V4's important role as a fast-growing market within the European Union
Closer cooperation of entities in the region V4 and Industry 4.0 were the main topics of the 1st Congress of Visegrad Clusters. Over 40 experts from 7 countries - representatives of business, public administration and academic circles, mainly from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary - for two days debated, among others, about financing and the most important problems related to the activity of clusters in the V4 region and their role in the reindustrialisation of the European economy. According to Artur Soboń, Deputy Minister of Investment and Development - the V4 region's economy is 64 million Europeans, GDP of the order of one trillion euros and huge saturation of companies, especially from the SME sector is a gigantic potential and it is necessary to build it in a common chain that will bring benefits to all.
The event entitled "1st Visegrad Clusters Congress, which took place on 25-26 September this year in the Educational and Congress Centre of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, was attended by over 150 people, including representatives of clusters from all over the country and countries of the Visegrad Group, presidents of enterprises associated in clusters, representatives of the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology and government agencies responsible for supporting and developing enterprises, but above all sympathizers and people interested in the subject of clustering. As underlined by the participants of the discussion, cooperation within clusters may redirect the region's economy towards Industry 4.0, based on innovations and new technological trends.
The Visegrad Group countries have a similar economic structure and are characterised by a fairly large share of industry. In the Czech Republic it exceeds 30 per cent, in Poland and other countries it is less than 30 per cent with the average for the old EU countries at 17 per cent. However, it is still less productive than in Western Europe. For this reason, according to Artur Soboń, Deputy Minister of Investment and Development, there is a need to redirect it to modern tracks, powered by digitization and robotization of Industry 4.0. and the role of clusters is huge here.
In Poland there are over 100 clusters (including 16 key clusters of strategic importance for the economy, selected in a competition organised by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology), i.e. organisations bringing together companies and scientific entities from innovative sectors of the economy in specific regions of Poland. Cooperation within a cluster allows them to carry out joint research and development work, attract investments and exchange experiences, facilitates the establishment of business contacts. The majority of Polish clusters operate in the ICT, aerospace, biotechnology, chemical industry, recycling and construction sectors.
According to Krzysztof Krystowski, President of the Polish Clusters Employers' Association - Competitiveness of companies in the regions is very often connected with the so-called smart specialisation, i.e. intelligent local specialisations. Clusters are one of the tools thanks to which it is possible to support and develop such intelligent regional specialisations. We - as clusters from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary - support entrepreneurs by building both social and technical infrastructure, by supporting their investments, employee development, conducting research work, so that thanks to relations with science they create new technological solutions and innovations, and thus become more competitive.
Speakers representing clusters, but also Polish and foreign experts stressed the need to redefine the state policy towards the clusters of Group V4. Different methods of supporting clusters by governments and self-governments of V4 countries were presented, finding many similarities (especially among aid gaps) but also examples of "good practices" that can be shared by regional administrations. As an example of "good practices" it is worth mentioning the programme of the Czech government, which assumes support of 80 to 200 thousand Euros for start-up cluster initiatives (condition of at least 1 year of activity).
Despite significant difficulties in public financing, individual clusters achieve significant successes in supporting their members' activities, especially by associating business with science. Energylandia, a company that successfully develops innovative activities in the field of family entertainment through close cooperation with research institutions, has been presented as a positive example.
(The organizers prepare a report after the conference, which will include a summary of the results of the discussion during the event).
Organiser: Polish Clusters Association
Co-organizer: Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice
Conference supported by the International Visegrad Fund
Project partners: Slovenska cluster union (Slovakia), Moravský letecký cluster (Czech Republic), Szoftveripari Innovációs Pólus Klaszter (Hungary)
Honorary Patronage over the event: Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Ministry of Investment and Development, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Polish Agency for Investment and Trade, National Centre for Research and Development, Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU, Employers of the Republic of Poland, Honorary Patronage of the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship Wojciech Sałga, Honorary Patronage of the Mayor of Gliwice Zygmunt Frankiewicz.
Partners of the event: Alior Bank S.A., Kapsch Telematic Services Sp. z o.o., Ursus Dystrybucja Sp. z o.o., Śląski Klaster Lotniczy, Labolatorium Badań Napędów Lotniczych "Polonia Aero" Sp. z o.o., Katowice Special Economic Zone S.A., Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing Klaster, Klaster Zrównowazona Infrastruktura, Klaster BioTechMed Mazowia,
Sponsors: ENERGYLAND 2000 Sp. z o.o. Energylandia Sp.k., AM Art-Media PR Agency sp. z o.o., Cat@Net Sp. z o.o.
Supporting Partner: Executive Club
Media patronage: Rzeczpospolita, Niezależna, Gazeta Polska, Polskie Radio 24, Super Express, Super Biznes.
2018-10-24 00:00:00
The conference organised on 16 October on gamification attracted the interest of about 100 people, proved to be a great success by the end of the day. The primary goal of the event was to provide the audience with "gaming" techniques that help businesses improve their performance scores and get new ideas in all areas of business. Participants could get acquainted with the Sas mob project run by the Local Government of Szeged Municipality and the gamification solutions in the InCommerce project of the Csongrád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Through practical examples, presentations of expert porfessionals also offered an insight in how to apply gamification in a business environment.
MORE to read
2018-10-17 00:00:00
What keeps success alive in a business that has been a success for decades, and what leads to success? Such questions are also answered by the 2nd Entrepreneurs' Day organised by the Csongrád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The main focus of the event is on generation challenges. The event will be held on 18 October 2018 at the premises of Csongrád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8), from 9:30 to 15:00.
9:30 - 10:00 Warm-up / Registration
10:00 - 10:10 Welcome speech
10:10 - 10:40 50 shades of white - Veronika Pistyur, founder of Bridge Budapest, the most influetial woman startupper of Hungary
10:40 - 11:10 100 years - 20 000 years of evolution! - Getting ready for the new world - András Bárdos, founder-trainer of Sawyer Miller Group Academy
11:10 - 11:40 Coffee Break
11:40 - 12:40 Round-table discussion
Moderator: Orsolya Gergely, managing director of Junior Achievement Hungary. Participants: Csaba Bodrogi, sales manager of Bodrogi Bau Kft.; Blanka Léhy, owner of Süti-nem-Süti and Kelesztő; József Magyar, former director of Hungerit Zrt.; Gábor Tóth, managing director of PC Trade Systems Kft.
12:40 - 13:40 Lunch - in the meantime networking and games
13:40 - 14:40 JAM Session: István Cserpes, founder and owner of Cserpes Sajtműhely; László Gyimesi Jr, managing director of Mystic Nails Hungary
14:40 - Drawing lots and closure
2018-10-12 00:00:00
The Software Innovation Pole Cluster is organising a conference on 16 October, 2018, related to Gamification. The Cluster extends a warm invitation to the event to everybody interested in the topic. Participation is free of charge, though preliminary registration is necessary.
Why participate in the conference?
- because through gaming techniques performance indicators of your company can easily be improved
- to participate in a remarkable event to gain inspiration and new ideas applicable to all areas of life and business
- recognised gamification and HR experts introduce novel recruitment techniques
- to get acquainted with companies who had already realised the benefits of gamification techniques applied in product development and commercialisation
Learn from the most experienced experts of Hungary!
This is the moment to gain first-hand knowledge of the basics, and turn it into fruitful product development and commercialisation practice of your company!
Experts invited::
• Péter Filák, business development director, Games for Business
• Andrei Damsa, expert, NetCoGame
• János Martonosi, communication officer, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Csongrád County
• László Kaulics investment manager, Hiventures
Who is it to attend?
• SMEs’ CEOs
• Marketing and HR professionals
• Startup teams
• CEOs of companies engaged in gaming and process design
• Students
• Trainers, lecturers
• Companies dealing with process design
2018-10-04 00:00:00
One of the most popular forms of financing today is the involvement of venture capital in the implementation of innovative ideas. Within the framework of our project
HUSRB/1602/41/0190 we offer you an opportunity to jointly build your business model from idea generation and collection to the blueprint for a venture capital investor. In our work, we employ consultants who are familiar with the world of start-up and venture capital investments.
Necessarily, the process starts with the collection of ideas. The ideas collected may originate from companies, but we also intend to involve IT students. By this latter we also aim to let students know the Software Innovation Pole Cluster as a community and its members.
The three best ideas are shaped by our consultants to develop a business offer, which we present to a venture capital investor.
The aim of the initiative is to
1. show how a venture capital investment process and how start-ups work,
2. present the Cluster community to the labour market workers,
3. make other communities available to the Cluster, either for business or labour market opportunities.
4. the program is implemented with the involvement of the Subotica and Novi Sad clusters, which also provides an opportunity to look beyond the region of Szeged.
The program will be introduced at personal meetings and will be presented at our conference on October 16th.
Idea proposals up to 3-5 pages in length are to be submitted
by 15 November 2018, to the following e-mail address:
konya.monika@portanovum.hu. The ideas presented are evaluated based on the following content elements: customers, products, timing, competitors, financial aspects, implementing team.
2018-10-04 00:00:00
On 14th of 2018 a cluster meeting was organized by the Building-KITT Cluster, where the Software Innovation Pole Cluster also represented itself. In connection with the BIM and IPAR4.0 topics, the good practices of the University of Szeged, Lechner Knowledge Center, MABIM, IFKA and the Hungarian building industry clusters were presented.
2018-09-14 00:00:00
The forthcoming Pact Partnership Forum, operated within the framework of the Csongrád County Economic and Employment Development Cooperation Program (TOP-5.1.1-15-CS1-2016-00001), was held on September 10, 2018. At the meeting, the Software Innovation Pole Cluster was represented by Porta Novum Nonprofit Kft. At the event, invited speakers talked about the local issues affecting the labor market in a clear and interesting way, according to the predefined program:
3.30 - 13.45 Information on the progress of the project (Budai László, Csongrád County Government Office)
13.45 - 14.00 Labor market opportunities from the perspective of young people (Szűcs Petra, ELI-HU NKft.)
14.00 – 14.15 Company upgrade vs staff shortage (Krémer Csaba, PC Trade Systems Kft.)
14.15 – 14.30 Vocational training in construction and beyond (Szániel Imre, Vocational Training Centre of Szeged)
14.30 – 14.45 Labour recruitment and provision of personnel (Klebniczki Márta, Randstad Hungary Kft.)
2018-09-10 00:00:00
CAS Software, member of the Software Innovation Pole Cluster
celebrated the 10th anniversary of its existence at the end of August. With a parent company based in Karlsruhe, the company delivers software for as many as 20 000 clients in 42 countries worldwide, including Mercedes-Benz. CAS Software develops CRM systems for its enterprise customers, supporting mainly the operations of small and medium size enterprises.
2018-09-04 00:00:00
The discussions already launched at the two-day meeting of cluster representatives of Visegrad Group countries, i.e. innovations in clusters (cooperation in the field of R&D within clusters) and cluster policies in individual V4 countries, will be continued at the two-day meeting organised within the framework of the project "Clusters in the Visegrad Group - Challenges of the Future".
Congress intend to face the problems related to the functioning of clusters in the V4 region. We create a space for exchanging experiences, solving problems, and creating a network of people engaged in the activity of clusters in the countries of the Visegrád Group (V4). Cooperation between entities from the V4 region and the Industry 4.0 revolution will be key subject. It’s a chance for the reindustrialisation of Europe, in particular attractive and possible to implement for economies of countries that base industrial development on new ICT technologies, automation, robotization and ecology requirements.
The congress will be held in Gliwice, Poland, on 25-26 September, 2018, where the Software Innovation Pole Cluster is to be represented by Porta Novum Nonprofit Ltd.
Further information related to the congress is available at the
event's website.
2018-08-22 00:00:00
The discussions already launched at the two-day meeting of cluster representatives of Visegrad Group countries, i.e. innovations in clusters (cooperation in the field of R&D within clusters) and cluster policies in individual V4 countries, will be continued at the two-day meeting organised within the framework of the project "Clusters in the Visegrad Group - Challenges of the Future". Main focus areas of the congress are:
Aviation – defence –spaceICTBiotechnology (including food and agriculture)Electromobility
The congress will be held in Gliwice, Poland, on 25-26 September, 2018, where the Software Innovation Pole Cluster is to be represented by Porta Novum Nonprofit Ltd.
2018-07-24 00:00:00
Porta Novum Nonprofit Ltd. has played an active role during the
workshop of the InnCommerce international project implemented with the participation of the Csongrád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry. During the workshop, testing of the
platform developed within the framework of the project took place. The project focuses on supporing the successful marketing of products and services and the training material created during the implementation will serve as a tool to the development of entrepreneurial skills. The on-line training platform developed within the project is a key element in providing access to the training material. The workshop also offered an opportunity to present other results of the project, including a user manual related to the platform, and a collection of best practices in market access.
2018-07-11 00:00:00
As launching the project HUSRB /1602/41/0190, Porta Novum Nonprofit Kft. organized an opening event and press conference titled "Checkpoint-IT Community" as an Innovation Technology Platform with the cooperation of Szeged-Szabadka-Újvidék" on June 26, 2018. At the event, members of the three clusters (Software Innovation Pole Cluster, Vojvodina ICT Cluster and Subotica IT Cluster) implementing the project had the chance to gain insight into the activities planned during the 24 months period of implementation. The presentation given by the representative of Hiventures Zrt. proved to be of great interest to the audience. The opening conference also offered a networking opportunity to the participants.
2018-06-27 00:00:00
As launching the project HUSRB /1602/41/0190, Porta Novum Nonprofit Kft. is organizing an opening event and press conference titled "Checkpoint-IT Community" as an Innovation Technology Platform with the cooperation of Szeged-Szabadka-Újvidék". The opening event takes place at the venues of Hungi Vigadó, Szeged (Stefánia 8.) at 10:00 a.m., June 26, 2018. In addition to introducing project partners, the event will give a picture of the project's activities and expected results both in Hungary and Serbia. The opening conference is also an excellent opportunity for networking. At the event, Hiventures Zrt.'s next generation investment programs will be presented as a unique opportunity to fund innovative ideas from the idea phase up to their introduction to international markets, offering up to 500 million forints of funding.
2018-06-20 00:00:00
The conference „INTERNET OF THINGS – IoT & M2M” was organised by Allianze Informatikai és Innovációs Klaszter in Szeged, on May 25, 2018. During the conference the audience had the chance to hear presentations selected from a wide range of topics related to IoT and M2M technologies, as of the programme below:
Programme of the Conference:
9:30 – 9:45 Registration
9:45 – 9:55 Opening Speech
László Hencz, Alliance Klaszter
I. Welcome to Szeged
9:55 – 10:15 Where is JerryScript heading? (Dr. Ákos Kiss, junior lecturer – University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics)
10:15 – 10:45 IoT and Telemedicine (Dr. Vilmos Bilicky, junior lecturer - University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Software Develpment Department)
II. Cluster introduction
10:45 – 11:15 Software Innovation Pole Cluster - Gortva-Kónya Mónika cluster manager
11:15-11:30 Coffe Break
III. rész IoT and Society
11:30 – 11:50 IoT and its impact on society (Csaba Varga researcher)
11:50 – 12:20 IoT – hype - journalism (Bálint Laza journalist - index tech section, Forbes Magazine)
12:20 – 12:25 Break
IV. rész Afternoon section
12:25- Mapping and assessment of IoT innovation clusters in the European Union (Enikö Linshalm, scientific member, Austria, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH)
13:00 – 13:20 Albacomp, IoT, M2M
13:20 – 13:55 Intelliport – from a cluster research and development project to leading international IoT expertice (Péter Bátorfi managing director, Intelliport Solutions Kft.)
2018-05-29 15:18:04